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Stock #: 4429

APTech regulator AP1410SM 4PW SG VS. This is a single stage regulator for intermediate to high flow applications. 4 port system with 3/8'' face seal with 2 m...

Stock #: 4451

APTech AP1210SM 2PW TW6 TW6 Ultra High Purity (UHP) high flow single stage regulator. Max inlet 1700PSI, max outlet 100PSI. 3/8'' tube weld ports with a surf...

Stock #: 4449

APTech AP1510SH 3PW FV4 FV4 1. 1/4'' female VCR ports (x2) 3000PSI. Max outlet 3500PSI, max inlet 100PSI. Fitted with Swagelok VCR 316 MMD to allow for easy ...

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